Architecture of Materials

Architects design studio selection of materials in office

Architects have a multitude of choices to consider throughout the process of design, but one that we feel is a fundamental aspect of design is the consideration of materiality. The specification of a material, whether hidden or exposed, forms the understanding and finished vision of a space. It can provide the basics of structure, creating shape and form, and it can encapsulate a designer's intentions towards how the space makes you feel.

Our workflow and methodology towards choosing and testing materials are continuous and evolve throughout the design process. We take the view that materials can be used to define the characteristics of a space, adding complex textures, patterns or sightlines to provide guidance through the architecture. This helps to break up repetition and can lead to continuity throughout the building. Muted tones and modest surfaces provide a backdrop to aid the manipulation of natural light from all angles, and when used in thoughtful ways, can often push the capabilities of the architecture it encapsulates, improving its spatial qualities and contributing towards wellbeing. These practical and aesthetic qualities can enrich a space, resulting in a carefully considered piece of architecture, beautifully conceived and finely executed for our clients.


Architecture of Concrete


Our Architectural Models