The Intrepid Architect drawing shortlisted in Architects Journal

Our submission for the FAT Recruitment Reimagined Living and Working Space has been shortlisted!

Entitled ‘The Intrepid Architect’ we explored a diagrammatic approach to an Architect altering their home during lockdown as a continuously evolving project where the Architect becomes the Client.

The artwork is also featured in the Architects Journal and can be viewed here.

Digital artwork for FAT Recruitment’s competition Reimagined Living & Working Space Competition 2021’.

Architects house manual blue
Architects house manual white

At times, an Architect’s schedule can seem chaotic and overbearing; all the more apparent following the events of 2020 which affected our lifestyles and life choices. Among this disorder is a pair of ambitious inventors taking on the responsibility to reimagine the family home towards a vision of a more versatile space.

The drawing feeds our creative imagination, depicting individual elements in isolation that are designed and handcrafted onsite by the Architect. Over time these functional components are combined to form the overall reconfiguration of the existing home, changing and improving the inhabitant’s lifestyle to provide a basis for fluid and adaptable living.

The home becomes a hybrid of work and play, the Architect both designer and client.

Improvements include wider apertures for increased natural light, concealed storage solutions, a snug for online meetings, pivoting walls for space separation and a retractable workstation that can be moved externally, with a wrenched canopy above for protection against the elements.

The rationalised isometric drawing encapsulates our built vision, perceived as if it were an architectural assembly drawing. It illustrates and explores the subject's assignments at varying moments in time, providing insight towards the ever-growing domestic based life of the intrepid Architect.

Inclume Architects FAT testimonial publication for Cambridge Architect
Inclume Architects AJ Magazine testimonial publication for Cambridge Architect

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